Quercioli Lambrusco Reggiano DOC Dolce Medici Ermete

In 1890, Remigio Medici, with three successful taverns on Via Emilia, founded a winery to utilize family vineyards between Via Emilia and the Enza Valley foothills. His son Ermete expanded the business, establishing a strong reputation. Ermete’s sons, Valter and Giorgio, furthered growth by entering export markets, marking the beginning of the Medici Ermete legacy. […]

Quercioli Lambrusco Reggiano DOC Secco

In 1890, Remigio Medici, with three successful taverns on Via Emilia, founded a winery to utilize family vineyards between Via Emilia and the Enza Valley foothills. His son Ermete expanded the business, establishing a strong reputation. Ermete’s sons, Valter and Giorgio, furthered growth by entering export markets, marking the beginning of the Medici Ermete legacy. […]

Quercioli Lambrusco Sorbara DOC Secco

In 1890, Remigio Medici, with three successful taverns on Via Emilia, founded a winery to utilize family vineyards between Via Emilia and the Enza Valley foothills. His son Ermete expanded the business, establishing a strong reputation. Ermete’s sons, Valter and Giorgio, furthered growth by entering export markets, marking the beginning of the Medici Ermete legacy. […]

Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC Phermento

In 1890, Remigio Medici, with three successful taverns on Via Emilia, founded a winery to utilize family vineyards between Via Emilia and the Enza Valley foothills. His son Ermete expanded the business, establishing a strong reputation. Ermete’s sons, Valter and Giorgio, furthered growth by entering export markets, marking the beginning of the Medici Ermete legacy. […]